Objectives :
- To familiarize the students with the basic concepts of Quality in healthcare and accreditation in a health care setting.
- To expertise with the knowledge, skill and competency in the process of documentation of nursing process in a clinical setting.
- To equip the students with International Patient Safety Goals and Staff Nurses responsibilities in providing quality care.
- To equip the students with knowledge and skill through which quality management and improvement can be delivered in a healthcare setting.
- To equip the students to do and adopt evidence-based practice in clinical as well as nonclinical areas.
Course content:
- Quality in healthcare & accreditation Quality assurance
- Total quality management Importance of documentation
- Patient safety Evidence based practice
- Team work
Course delivery :
- Lecture cum discussion using PowerPoint presentations and videos by experts from the respective field
- Case scenarios
- Group discussions
- Roleplay
- Situation analysis and discussion
- Practice work documentation with a checklist